Empower Your Curiosity

Write For Us

We are always interested in getting fresh voices and new perspectives to share with our readers at Khulkbol. Whether you feel you have a unique idea or an interesting take on something that can engage or inspire our community, we’d love to hear from you. At times, ideas don’t need to be extraordinary; often, just a fresh angle or a new insight is worth sharing with the rest.

We’re honest at the start: writing for Khulkbol demands effort. Therefore, we are committed to the realization of full potential in your article, and we’ll work with you closely to achieve that. When your piece is accepted, you can expect intense feedback and revisions based on our team to fine-tune your work.

On the bright side, it’s a rewarding experience! Your article will reach thousands of readers, including potential collaborators, clients, or employers. Plus, you’ll grow as a writer and gain new insights about the topic you’re passionate about.

What We’re Looking For

You can submit a complete draft, a partial draft, or a brief pitch summarizing your idea and why it’s relevant to our readers. The more complete your submission, the better feedback we can offer. We only accept original content, so make sure your piece hasn’t been published elsewhere (including on personal blogs).

We’re not interested in press releases or sales pitches.

Before publishing, read through our style guide and new posts to get a sense for our structure and tone. Please submit:

Arguments should clearly advocate a thesis, not just a list of tips
Bold, engaging, and written for people, not machines
Targeted towards readers who are designers, developers, and content creators
Well-supported arguments with evidence and sources
Covers all the guidelines in our style guide.
To guide you through the writing process, we recommend you first read “Writing is Thinking” and “So You Want to Write an Article?” before you start to avoid the common pitfalls.

What We Publish

Typically, articles are 600 to 2,500 words according to the subject’s complexity, with 1,500 words a good “goldilocks” balance. Articles can be more casual, as with tutorials, or more formal for deeper analysis, but should be a thoughtful take on an important topic within the web industry.

How to Submit

Email us your submission preferably as a Google document so that the editors can give immediate feedback. You may also submit a plaintext file, Markdown file, or an HTML document. Refrain from sending ZIP files unless specifically requested.

Here's what will happen after you submit:

An editor will review your piece to see if it is a fit for our site. If it is, then it will be sent to the entire team for review.
You will get our comments, and if we need to move forward, we will request you make any necessary revisions and resubmit.
After your response to our comments, we would read it again and decide whether we would accept it
If accepted, you will work closely with an editor to hone the piece
When ready, we will publish. Even though we can’t give you a specific date until your revisions are done, you’ll be kept in the know.